Our Policies
Booking Classes at Jolly Bodies
A. Booking Window
All classes at Jolly Bodies can be reserved up to 14 days in advance. You may book classes using the JB app, our website, and the mindbody website.
B. Late Cancellation/No-Show Policy for Classes
In order to ensure that every member at Jolly Bodies has an equal opportunity to attend classes, we employ a late cancel/no check in policy (fees listed below). If you have a schedule that is unpredictable (medical professions, kids, etc.) and would like to avoid late cancel/no check in fees, please consider the Super Duper Jolly Plus plan, which comes with 24 "grace passes" for late cancel/no check in days per 12-month contract period (1 late cancellation and 1 no-show waiver per 30 day billing period). The Student Super Duper Jolly plan does NOT include grace passes.
We are not interested in using late cancel/no check in fees as a revenue stream at Jolly Bodies. We wish we didn't need them at all. However, we are focused on establishing a culture of consideration and want to ensure that everyone at Jolly Bodies, including you, has an equal opportunity to access their favorite classes. This is especially important for members who register for waitlists due to full capacity.
A late cancel fee of $10.00 USD will be applied to your account if you cancel a class less than 10 hours prior to the start of class.
A no check in fee of $15.00 USD will be applied to your account if you fail to check in for your class. Please make sure that if you are physically present for class, you check in using your JB app or the kiosks at reception. Failure to do so will result in a no-show charge to your account.
C. Arriving Late to Your Scheduled Class
For your safety and the safety of others, we do not allow entry to classes more than 5 minutes after class starts.* If you arrive more than 5 minutes late to class, you will be asked to reschedule your reservation.
*Control is a highly immersive class from start to finish. We do not allow late entry at any point into this class format. Once the doors have closed, no entry will be allowed. No exceptions.
Code of Conduct at Jolly Bodies
At Jolly Bodies, every guest is expected to contribute to a respectful group workout environment that is aligned with our mission and values.
A. Bullying, harassment or discrimination of any kind falls under our “zero tolerance” protocol and will be subjected to immediate membership termination.
Bullying and Harassment defined: Any inappropriate conduct or comment by a person that knew or should have known would cause an individual to feel harm, intimidation or harassed.
Examples may include but not limited to:
Spreading rumors or gossip
Insults and denigrating comments
Intruding on a person’s privacy by pestering, spying or stalking
Excluding or isolating a person socially
Shouting or yelling at individuals
Unwelcome or unwarranted intimidating phone calls, texts or emails
Discrimination defined: Discrimination is defined as unjust treatment of an individual on the basis of protected characteristics such as race, age, sex, gender or disabilities.
Examples may include but not limited to:
Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory jokes, slurs, insults, comments, or mimicking a person’s speech or mannerisms
Physical conduct including assault, unwanted touching or gestures of hate or discrimination
Sexual Harassment Defined: Sexual Harassment is defined as any unwanted sexual behavior that could result in a person feeling upset, scared, offended or humiliated; or any sexual behavior or act that happened without consent.
Examples may include but not limited to:
Verbal conduct such as sexually suggestive or obscene remarks, jokes, teasing or innuendos
Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions
Unwanted, repeated invitations to fraternize with team members or clients, even after repeated refusals
Sounds which have any potential explicit or implicit sexual connotations
Making any remarks around a person’s body or clothing
Creating and/or distributing materials of sexual nature/ sexualizing intent, e.g. videoing members focusing on certain body parts, by social media, email or any other medium
Unwelcome leering, staring or voyeurism
Unwelcomed physical contact of any capacity
Any unwelcome sexual advances involving verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct, real or perceived
B. Drug- and Alcohol-Free Gym
All guests and employees of Jolly Bodies are expected to be committed to ensuring a safe and productive group fitness environment. Therefore, Jolly Bodies maintains a strict policy against the unauthorized use of impairing substances in our facilities.
The use of impairing substances could result in potential danger to the welfare and safety of our employees and guests. Impairing substances include but are not limited to: alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines or any other substance that results in impairment.
Therefore, no employee or member may consume, possess, sell, purchase or transfer impairing substances at any time while on Jolly Bodies premises, job sites or at any time representing Jolly Bodies in an official capacity. No guests may enter Jolly Bodies with impairing substances (or their metabolites) in their bodily system, on their breath or body, or be under the influence at Jolly Bodies.
C. No Unsupervised Children
At Jolly Bodies, we do everything with intention to ensure that we are the happiest workout place on earth and to bring out the inner jolly in all of us! Part of living into our mission is keeping safety top of mind.
Only members of Jolly Bodies (this may include children between the ages of 10-18 with a waiver signed by parent or legal guardian), guests on free trials, pre-approved visitors (including children) for private events such as birthday parties, and staff of Jolly Bodies will be allowed inside the Jolly Bodies facility effective immediately.
At Jolly Bodies, we do everything with intention to ensure that we are the happiest workout place on earth and to bring out the inner jolly in all of us! Part of living into our mission is keeping safety top of mind. At this time, we legally cannot allow any children into our facility at any time unless:
Children at least 10-14 years of age are registered for class and/or have their own membership (waiver must be signed by parent/legal guardian) AND are accompanied by a parent/guardian 18 years of age or older who is registered for the same class.*
Children 15 and up are registered for class and/or have their own membership (waiver must be signed by parent/legal guardian).*
Children are attending a private birthday party or similar event such as a kids only workout at Jolly Bodies during non-operating hours when group classes are not being held.
*Children who opt to become members at Jolly Bodies will be held to the same standard as adult members, including behavioral policies.
Photography/Videography Release
A. Planned photo/video organized by Jolly Bodies (photos and videos taken by representatives of Jolly Bodies for use of Jolly Bodies social media, website, print)
Jolly Bodies uses social media to engage and connect with members at our Little Rock location, as well as online members across from across the globe and people looking for connection to the fitness community. We use video and photo from our studio classes to show others that fitness and fun go together.
By registering for and attending classes at Jolly Bodies, you grant permission to Jolly Bodies to use photographs of yourself taken during this class for publication in various forms of media including, but not limited to, print advertising, website and digital content, and other communications related to the mission of Jolly Bodies.
By registering for and attending classes at Jolly Bodies, you agree to release and waive any claims or rights of compensation or ownership regarding such uses and understand that all photos shall remain the property of Jolly Bodies.
B. Guest photo/video policy (photos and videos taken by guests for personal social media use)
We love seeing candid moments of our guests before, during, and after classes that capture the essence of all the fun we have at Jolly Bodies. We also love seeing the stories of our guests on social media that range from personal triumphs, commiserating on how awful minibands are, and just good old fashioned fun. Social media can be a powerful tool to create positive conversation, however it can be, and frequently is, easily misappropriated to create negative conversation. By registering for and attending classes at Jolly Bodies, you agree to the following guest photo/video policies below:
Professional camera, lighting, or sound equipment is not permitted inside any Jolly Bodies facility without first being pre-approved by Jolly Bodies.
Tripods that are obstructive and distracting (general rule of thumb: small tripods less than 18 inches tall from floor height are fine)
No selfie sticks, tripods taller than 18" mounted from the floor, any tripod with light, professional vlogging equipment including but not limited to: boom mics, lapel mics, professional cameras, lighting equipment
No soliciting
As guest health and wellness is a leading priority of Jolly Bodies, all guests of Jolly Bodies should be especially sensitive to being supportive and positive when posting photos/videos taken at Jolly Bodies and should never make posts that are critical of, shame, or discredit any guest at Jolly Bodies. Conduct that would be considered inappropriate or otherwise prohibited in face-to-face communications is also prohibited on social media.
Do not solicit other guests at Jolly Bodies to participate in interviews/videos that will be used for personal social media
Do not capture (in any form) other guests at Jolly Bodies in compromising or revealing exercise positions or any other way that could be used to criticize or sexualize guests.
Smartphones are welcome inside Jolly Bodies as long as:
Flash is turned off
Smartphone stays at your personal workout space during classes class (do not walk around during class filming participants)
All plans are non-transferrable, non-exchangeable, and non-refundable after purchase. Plan holder may not transfer classes to another guest or send a substitute guest in their name to attend class. The name registered for class must match that of the guest at class check-in.
A. Membership Levels and Benefits
Please visit our membership page on our website or the Jolly Bodies app to compare pricing and benefits.
B. Upgrading Your Membership
To upgrade your current membership, please contact our studio.
C. Cancelling Your Membership
We don't anticipate you leaving us, but should you choose to move to Fiji, we want to make sure we are transparent regarding our cancellation policy. Should you need to cancel your membership for any reason, cancellation requests are only taken in person or written form by the plan holder (you) and must be submitted at least 30-days prior to the last day you'd like to have access to your plan. Please know your monthly billing date for your plan in order to avoid being charged for an additional month of service after your cancellation is processed. If you are unsure of your billing date each month, please check your account on the JB app OR your cardholder account. If there are variations in the billing date, please contact us immediately so we can help you.
For example, let's say that you are typically charged for your membership on the 20th of each month. In January, you make the decision to cancel your plan. In order to avoid being charged in February, your cancellation request must be submitted by January 19th. In this scenario, you will charged for the last time on January 20th and have access to classes until February 20th. If you submit your cancellation request on or after January 20th, you will be charged both on January 20th and again on February 20th, giving you access to classes until March 20th in this scenario.
D. Injury and Illness
Exceptions to the cancellation policy will only be made in cases of life threatening illness, extreme injury (injuries that require surgery and/or at least 3 month of rehabilitation) or unpreventable acts of nature. If you have other extenuating life circumstances that require you to cancel your Student Super Duper Jolly plan suddenly, please contact us.
E. Failed Payments
Expired cards: Failed payments due to expired credit cards/debit cards will result in the immediate cancellation of your Student Super Duper Jolly plan. If you have a card on file that is close to expiration, our app will begin sending notification reminders to update your card on file at least 30 days before its expiration date in order to avoid cancellation of your plan.
Fraud: Should you discover that your physical card be stolen, missing or if the account tied to the card is compromised due to fraudulent activity, please update your account with your new card as soon as possible to avoid cancellation of your Student Super Duper Jolly plan. In the event that your account be cancelled due to a failed payment as a result of fraud/cancelled card due to fraud, please let us know immediately so that we can help you reactivate your account and there is minimal disruption to your service.
Facility Closures
A. Planned Facility Closures (Construction, Maintenance, etc.)
From time to time, regularly scheduled classes may be temporarily cancelled due to facility closure, temporarily cancelled due to special events, or permanently cancelled due to schedule changes and/or class demand.
In the event that a classes are temporarily (1-5 business days) cancelled due to planned events and/or planned facility closure, you will receive a 30-day notification prior to the closure or special event. Memberships will not be prorated during these instances of facility closure.
B. Unplanned Facility Closures (Emergencies, Inclement Weather)
From time to time, regularly scheduled classes may be temporarily cancelled due to unplanned facility closures caused by inclement weather or other emergencies that prevent Jolly Bodies from delivering safe, excellent service to its guests.
Inclement weather policy: In the event of inclement weather such as ice, sleet, snow, etc., Jolly Bodies will follow closure schedules of your local public school system. For example, if Little Rock Public school is closed due to inclement weather, Jolly Bodies will be closed. If LRSD has a delayed opening due to inclement weather, Jolly Bodies will have a delayed opening.
In the event that your class is cancelled due to unexpected events, you will be notified via:
email (if you have opted in for email messaging)
Jolly Bodies social media pages
text (if you have opted in for text messaging)
the JB app
Please check with your studio to make sure you are registered for these forms of communication.